Hello SMV CERTs and Friends,
I just wanted to update you on some upcoming training and events that are coming over the next few months.
On Thursday, August 1st, 2017, Santa Maria PD will be holding their National Night Out event at the VETS Memorial Park, 313 W. Tunnel, Santa Maria. The CERT and ARES groups have been invited to have booths there to hand out information on Disaster Preparedness and recruit the public to join CERT.
HELP NEEDED: Event Name: National Night Out
Date: Tuesday, August 1st, 2017
Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Veteran's Memorial Park, 313 W. Tunnel, Santa Maria.
I am looking for volunteers that would like to work the booth. I have to work on August 1st, so I will not be available to help out.
This is a great opportunity to interact with the public and showcase what CERT is all about.
Please contact Roy Dugger, rdugger@cityofsantamaria.org or (805) 925-0951, x2334 or myself. My contact information is listed below.
Saturday, August 12th, 2017-
Training: Standard Awareness Training (SAT) AWR-160
Location: 314 W. Cook Street ,Santa Maria in the EOC classroom.
Time: 0800 – 1700 hrs (8 am – 5 pm)
This is another class that we recommend that you take. While this class is not specific to CERT members, it is a good class to take and knowledge to have.
Here is a description of the AWR-160 class:
The Standardized Awareness Training Program (SAT) is a one-day course. The course covers the knowledge of essential course material on chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) hazards and materials, prevention and deterrence methods, and the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) in order to make decisions at the awareness level.
If you do not have one already, you will need a Student ID (SID) number from FEMA for this class. Here is the link to register for a FEMA SID: https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid/register
This class is offered free of charge as a NON-RESIDENT Course through the Center for Domestic Prepardness (CDP). The CDP offers all sorts of GREAT training classes, some are Resident courses, meaning you would have to attend a class in Aniston, AL. And some are NON-RESIDENT, such as this course. I encourage you to check out the CDP website and look at what classes they have to offer.
Here is the link to the CDP: https://cdp.dhs.gov/find-training
This class will be open to any public members that want to attend.
The following classes are PROPOSED, but are not scheduled yet as they involve other city departments or outside agency:
September – Flood Control
October- Large Animal Rescue, Part 1
November- Large Animal Rescue, Part 2
December – NO TRAINING SCHEDULED due to Holiday
This class is scheduled, the dates are set:
Friday, January 19th, 2018 -
Saturday, January 20th, 2018 -
Training: Search and Rescue in Community Disasters
Location: 314 W. Cook Street, Santa Maria in the EOC classroom and an outside location to be determined.
Times: Friday, January 19th, 2018- 1800-2200 hrs. (6 pm – 10 pm)
Saturday, January 20th, 2018- 0800 – 1700 hrs. (8 am-5 pm) 12 hours total.
Description of Class:
The Search and Rescue in Community Disasters course is designed to provide training for community members to safely conduct search and light rescue response to aid their family and neighbors in the immediate aftermath of a natural catastrophe, technological accident, or human-caused incidents. The course is intended for members of the whole community and draws on information and lessons learned from a variety of disaster incidents such as hurricanes, tornados, and man-made events for discussion points. Hands-on training is used to demonstrate best practices for effective search and light rescue which can be used in both residential and commercial environments.
NOTE: This class is HIGHLY recommended for CERT members that wish to be part of the Response Team. You MUST attend all 12 hours of the class to get a certificate from TEEX.
TEEX is another organization that offers free training to Public Safety Agencies. They too have RESIDENT and NON- RESIDENT classes, such as this one that we are hosting.
You will also need you FEMA SID for this class.
Here is a link to the TEEX website. Again, I encourage you to look around and see what classes you might want to take on-line. https://teex.org
We are going to be busy training and doing events over the next 6 months, but it is all important as we get the best, quality training we can so that we will be well-trained when the time comes for the CERT Response Team.
I hope to see you at these trainings and events and please feel free to contact Carl Dougherty or myself if you have any questions regarding any of these items.
Take care and BE PREPARED!!
Take care and BE PREPARED!!!!
Scott B. Hunter
Training Coordinator
Santa Maria Valley CERT
314 W. Cook Street
Santa Maria, CA. 93455
(805) 538-0798
This is what our shoulder patch looks like. If you are interested in purchasing one, they are $5 each. Please let me know if you want one. Thank you.